Tuesday, May 17, 2011

More Retrieve Thoughts

Formal retrieves can be hard to train. It was one of the things we talked about at the weekend clinics.

How do we get the kids to train reliable retrieves, in a short period of time? The advisors didn't have too much luck training retrieve and really wanted/needed more resources. At state fair last year, many of the kids who were in an obedience level needing a retrieve....didn't have one. I saw people outside the ring, one adult instructing the kid to put the dumbbell into the dogs mouth and just hold the muzzle shut.

I'm a bit puzzled as to why there is so much struggle with retrieves when there are so many resources available. Videos. Books. Websites. Dozens of different training plans. Many are easily accessible through the internet and youtube. There are others that can be purchased. Some are designed for individual use, others are designed for instructors.

I suppose I should be compiling the things I would recommend and put together the other bits and pieces to get everything together so people can find it easily and so the advisors can have a good resource for these resources?

Griffin's formal retrieve is almost right where I want it. We have just another piece or two to work on. Luna.....has been started and I didn't finish. Blaze...I started his 7+ years ago. I was so careful to avoid him mouthing or not-releasing that we've taking it really, really slow. At 10, we have no intention of ever actually needing it...I should be adventurous and keep working. More retrieve thoughts, links, and videos coming soon.

And did I say that Griffin's retrieve is very cute?

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